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We embarked on the CSR accreditation process for three reasons:

Firstly, we wanted to ensure our genuine efforts, investment and commitments were independently recognised. We also wanted to identify any areas where we could do more. and finally, we wanted to ensure the management system we establish as a business would sustain our comprehensive and sustainable approach to continued compliance.

Through the process, we have; Enhanced our recycling arrangements, introduced an electric vehicle, adopted a recharge strategy, and introduced measures to track and monitor our consumption. The accreditation process has validated our commitment, identified opportunities, and enabled us to establish a ‘management system’ which ensures we continue to maintain our now endorsed, CSR commitments.

In 2023 P34B were accredited within the UK and were awarded the Micro Trader International CSR Excellence Award.

P34B are happy to share our experience in becoming a CSR accredited and award winning organisation. To find out more get in touch: with the subject: Understanding CSR.